
Primary School

Bright, Proud and Successful

Religious Education

At Bewley Primary School our motto is – Bright, Proud and Successful.

 Through teaching RE we aim for every child to:


Our intent for Religious Education (R.E.) is for every child to acquire substantial knowledge and understanding of Christianity and Islam and also knowledge and understanding of the 4 other major world religions: Sikhism, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

R.E. plays a unique role in the development of children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural growth. In the teaching of R.E., we provide a safe yet stimulating environment for children to explore religious beliefs, practices and issues in the local, national and global communities. It is our absolute intention that, as children’s awareness, knowledge and understanding grow, so too will their respect and appreciation towards others with different faiths and beliefs. Equally, children are encouraged throughout to be reflective, enabling them to form and share their own informed opinions and beliefs.

Ultimately, we aim to help prepare our children for the experiences, responsibilities and challenges of their adult life by equipping them with a greater understanding of the multi-cultural world in which we live and an enquiring, fair-minded and positive mind-set.


Although not part of the National Curriculum, R.E. is recognised as an important part of the school curriculum. The Government stipulated in 2011 that the Local Authority should be responsible for the drawing up of an agreed syllabus that reflects the local population. In keeping with this, we follow the Stockton SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education) syllabus.

Features of our R.E. syllabus:

R.E. Curriculum Road Map


The impact of R.E. teaching in our school can be seen in: