Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Welcome to the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) section of our school website. At Bewley, we have a SEND Team which consists of The SENCo Mrs Patterson, Mrs Clift and our Trust Director of SEND, Mrs Claire Pack so please don’t hesitate to contact either one of us if you have any questions and we will do our best to help you. We can be contacted by telephoning 01642 371647 or alternatively by emailing
At Bewley it is our intent to:
- provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is accessible to all children, regardless of their need or disability
- work closely with the child, parent and teachers to Identify needs early
- provide opportunities for pupils with SEN and parent/ carers to play an active role in planning their provision
- promote self-worth and enthusiasm by encouraging independence at all ages and ability levels
- ensure that children make progress through quality first teaching
- remove barriers to learning by equipping children with the necessary resources to become independent learners
- create a school environment where pupils feel safe to voice their opinions of their own needs
We provide high quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, as the first step in responding to pupils who have, or may have SEND. Class teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
Children with SEND will be monitored and reviewed as part of the school’s on-going assessment system and termly review SEN meetings. A graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review is used for children with SEND. All teachers and support staff who work with pupils who have SEN will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies.
Our dedicated and experienced team of teaching assistants deliver a range of interventions and work alongside children within the classroom to support their learning. In addition to this, we have access to:
- a range of outside agencies
- a qualified school play therapist, who offers therapy sessions.
- Mental Health, Trailblazer Team (Alliance psychology service) work with children who are experiencing low level anxiety and are able to advise and signpost parents/ carers to other support services.
- an Educational Psychologist who provides deeper insight into what may be causing barriers to learning and will recommend next steps and provision for your child.
The impact of working with such an experienced team of professionals and a wealth of additional outside agencies means that we are an inclusive school and will do our best to provide the necessary provision for your child’s needs within a mainstream setting. For additional information, please see our policies page for our SEND policy, and click on the links below for our Information Report and also Stockton’s Local offer.

Please select the logo below to see the Stockton LA offer: